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2020 Construction Trends: 30+ Experts Weigh In – Autodesk


2020 Construction Trends: 30+ Experts Weigh In – Autodesk

What kind of changes have you seen in the construction industry over the last year? Now, what about the last decade? The construction industry of 2010 looks dramatically different than the one at the end of 2019 – and for a good reason. Today’s jobsites are filled with more technology and talent than ever, and projects are being delivered at accelerated rates. 

But, as in years past, more change is on the horizon. So, what can we expect to see in the construction industry over the course of the next year – and even the coming decade? 

My crystal ball predictions for 2020 construction trends? Considering that the building industry needs to increase output by 30% to meet demands, the pressure to deliver is mounting. I anticipate there will be concentrated focus in these three areas to alleviate the pressure:  

  • Off-site Construction– Better initial planning, site constraints, and tightened schedules will only be met with off-site construction.
  • Skilled Labor Shortage – Programs and companies will be investing in creative ways to fill this shortage. This will come by increasing investment of government, education, and company resources.
  • Increased Technology Investment – The above two points need technology as a leverage to accelerate these changes.

But this is just my perspective. Recently, we also turned to experts, thought leaders, and innovators in the industry to get their thoughts on 2020 construction trends and predictions. What we heard was a powerful mix of big trends, new strategic focuses, emerging innovations, and even internal cultural shifts. We’ve compiled their insight below, organized by prediction round ups like mine, and the categories that matter most in the industry today:

You can use the navigation links above or scroll down to read the list in whatever order you choose. But if you’re looking for even more in-depth insight on the must-know 2020 construction trends, I recently moderated a  webinar: Tomorrow’s Construction: 2020 Trends and Predictions.” In our webinar, we hosted industry experts to discuss some of the biggest topics sure to drive buzz across the industry in the next year and future. Watch now! 

We hope these 2020 construction trends and insights below will inspire you to take a fresh approach to all your upcoming projects and work. 


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